Friday, July 29, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Buku ini agak menarik tuk dibaca dan ringanla. Different daripada buku2 yg pernah saya baca sebelun ni. Buku ni merungkai 101 kisah cinta based on they experiance. Banyak yg saya belajar dari buku ini

Ape yang saya belajar dari buku ini ialah:

1. Tuk cinta kita perlu berani
2. Tak semua cinta itu indah
3. Kadang2 kita perlu berpisah tuk kebahagian bersama
4. Kalo dah jodoh, memang x ke manala. Haha...
5. Semua yang berlaku ada sebab

Kesimpulannya buku ini okla tuk dijadikn bahan bacaan ringan

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I dunno what happen to me lately cos i'm not in the mood for everything....
Maybe cos the hormon but i dunno...
Maybe cos of work but i dont think SOOO...
Maybe cos i'm soo tired not enough of rest but i dunno...
But two things for sure i'm always on the mood is SHOPPING and BROWSING HANDBAG website!!! Haha... Totaly not GOOD!!!! haha....
Anyway, I'm hepi but just not in the mood!!! haha...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I believe...

Dear All,

God showed grace, mercy and kindness to those who needed it most, but deserved it least. Have faith! #ihatequotes

I believe in this cos Allah knows better than us! We just need to be strong!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 11, 2011

Randomness Six

Don't be afraid to try new things. Everything you've experienced will be a lesson which honest you for the better. #ihatequotes

So guys, jom kita try new things ok!!! Hehe...

p/s: bbrp ari ni, blig susah nak update n x leh nak reply comment. Nnti dh ok saya reply ok. Hehe...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone