Sunday, April 29, 2012


5 more days to go...

I need to prepared mentally n physically to a new environment...


Sometimes we need to sacrifice something to be a better person...

I hope i will be strong mentally and physically.....

And i will say this is the best opportunity to develop myself....

Wish me luck!!!

Going to miss them so much!!!

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

This three books is awesome but a little bit violent and not suitable for kids below 12yo. haha...

Anyway, its been a while i read trilogy books cos you need to continue read to know the end.Saya malas.  haha... Overall the 1st book is the best and the rest is just

FYI, the 1st book is already in Movie version. I kind like the movie but my family said they just okla. haha....
the 2nd book also going to be a movie but maybe next year or another 2 more years. So just wait and see if the 2nd movie is getting better. haha...

You guys can find the Synopsis here. Sorry sedikit malas nak ceta lak.


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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Terima Kasih!!!

Hari ini hari jadi saya!!!!

Makin meningkat umurnya.... Alhamdulilah di atas segala rezeki yang Allah berikan!!!

Terima kasih semua!!!

To family and fren tq so much!!! Luv you guys so much!!!

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Alamak dah berabuk lak blog ni. Huhu.....

Maaflah saya sedikit sibuk. Huhu.... Banyak benda yang perlu diuruskan. Huhu

Mental and emosionally x stabil sgt....

Banyak dugaan yang melanda but saya belajar banyak benda dari dugaan ini.....

Tak semua yang kita rancang akan jadi kenyataan....

Dan saya kembali sibuk dgn aktiviti membaca. Hehe... Tu jugala salah satu sebab saya sibuk. Hehe....

Pastu weken je penuh dgn aktiviti sosial bersama family. Haha....

Nnti saya update ye ape2 yang menarik. Hehe...

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tukar status kepada???


Bunyi macam ape je kan? Haha...

Saya nak tukar status kepada sudah BERKAHWIN!!! Haha....

Just kidding!!! Obviously not me la yang akan tukar. Haha... My BFF dah nak TUNANG!!!

Hehe... Ni tgh tunggu masing2 datang ni. Hehe...

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