Anyway, sebenarnya Super Junior wat konsert and this is they 2nd time here in Malaysia. Last year dorg dtg saya g gak and memang awesome and sangat berbaloi. hehe... so this year saya g lagi.
Dorang menyanyi, Menari, bergaduh, bergelak tawa, atas stage and this year special sikit cos dorg terbang2. hehe.... And from this picture, smua ELF melambaikan stick lite warna biru as warna biru warna rasmi peminat SUJU.
Ni la BF saya.... KYUHYUN. hehe... dia sedang nyanyikan lagu cinta tuk saya . hehe...
Dia sangat COMEL!!!! I luv u Kyuhyun OPPA!!!!
Would you like to be my HUSBAND????
Ni last goodbye from them!!!! huhu...
Sedih je.... Tahun depan dorg maybe akan dtg lagi but I'm not really sure i will go again or not cos i this i'm to old??? haha..... Or maybe sbab masa konsert ni ada a group of make teenage yg sgt bising samoai saya n my fren oun rasa mcm nak terpekak telinga dgr dorang bersorak. Rasa memang terganggu giler tu yang mcm agak macam x nak g lagi. huhu... But sape tahu kan saya bukan leh percaya. haha... Just wait and see. hehe...
Overall, KONSERT ni memang SUPER AWESOME!!!! Berbaloi tuk spend duit dgn menonton konsert ini. Next konsert maybe BIG BANG but x sure akan jadi or x. Hopefully jadila. hehe....
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