Saturday, January 22, 2011

Once upon a time in Langkawi

Saya nak g Langkawi lagi!!! Huhu... Langkawi adala satu tempat yg sangat menarik. Scenery is awesome. Pergi local kelebihannya ialah senang cari food and x ada masalah bahasa. Hehe...
Actually kami g Langkawi 2 thn lps n tis our first trip together without our parent. Hehe.. Aktiviti yg kami lakukan ikut suka kami jela. So most of the time tdo je. Haha...
Anyway, kami g jugakla tmpt2 menarik Langkawi seperti cable car, pantai cenang n also underwaterworld. Bestla dapat tgk sunset. Hehe...
Kami g Langkawi 3h2m dgn flite airasia. Sebenarnya trip to Langkawi ni adalah hadiah beday dr my sister. She managed to get a good bargain wit airasia go. Tuk 2 org, flite +hotel only for rm660. Murahkan. Hehe... Hotel dia okla cos dkt dgn Pantai Cenang so food smua senangla. Nama hotel kami Nadia's Inn. Kakak saya bab2 cari yg murah dia hebat. Hehe..

p/s: thank u kak cos jd teman jalan2!!! Luv u sis!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Sape r yg terer tu...hehe....g spore pn mrh jg...tgh cri tiket mrh nk g hong kong....huhu
